The Tree of A Thousand Uses

Indonesia is the world's largest producer of coconuts. According to FAO, the gross production of coconut in Indonesia was 15 million tonnes in 2010. The climate of this region is ideal for the growth of coconuts. Coconuts are one of the tropical fruits that everyone loves to eat. In Indonesia, people call coconut as "the tree of a thousand uses". Virtually every part of the coconut can be used by humans in some manner and has significant economic value.

An Integrated Coconut Industry

From the bottom root to the leaves on top, all parts of coconut tree are usefull for human kind. We, at PT. Bara Agung Semesta, Indonesia, strive our best to integrate all processes of making coconut products to have more added value for industries and consumers around the world.

Some products we develop from coconuts were shipped out to other countries with great appreciation from the customers: